Social Project

A Christmas day is a special day of family celebration with an abundance of food on the table, right?

Not for everyone.

At Christmas 1999, my family and I were enjoying ourselves at my parents' house, when a small family knocked on our door asking for something to eat. That was overwhelming, as you can imagine...

At the time we provided food, my father dressed as Father Christmas, gave toys to the children and, since then, every year I organize a "task force" to bring toys, clothes and baskets to the neediest families in the Pega Fogo neighbourhood, in the interior of Taquara.

The idea has been growing every year and has the unique help of the Caramuru and Zeferino schools, which today organize the distribution of donations and ensure that they are well addressed. But all this is only possible thanks to the good action of each entrepreneur, friend, company or even anonymous, who effectively make the donation, allowing many families to have a Christmas memory - and perhaps a happier life.

Solange Neves.

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