About Us

We are a team that seeks to provide reliable and effective solutions, in order to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients. Our story began in 2004, with Solange Neves, our founding partner. Since then, our trajectory has been marked by hard work and commitment, with our sights set not solely on the development of our clients, but also of our employees and society at large. It's an honor to have you on&nbs...
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What they say

"For Mould, to have the advice of Solange Neves Advogados Associados is to have reliability, certainty of having great professionals, a special and affectionate service with its clients."
Geraldo Geniomar da Silva - Mould Indústria de Matrizes Ltda.
"We are clients of the office since its foundation, because we identify in Drª Solange the professional excellence. Over the years we have seen the office grow, establishing itself in several cities and always adding high level professionals, maintaining what really is the great differential of this team, the commitment, ethics and knowledge to deal with the solution of the problems of customers."
Ladislau Boes - Frigorífico Zimmer Ltda.
"We, Ceramica Kaspary, are clients of Solange Neves, since the beginning of its activities. We feel until the moment that all the works are executed with great care and dedication and are always updated on the issues that are ahead to be resolved."
Neusa Kaspary - Cerâmica Kaspary
Tiago Wolfarth – Diretor Grupo SKA

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DPO – Solange Neves
E-mail: solange@solangenevesadvogados.com.br
Telefone: (51) 3035.4165